E-Book 2nd Congress

  • Investigating the anticancer effects of Saccharomyces bulari probiotic
  • Samaneh Ansarinia,1,* Parisa Behshood,2
    1. Azad univercity sh.k
    2. azad univercity sh.k

  • Introduction: Saccharomyces boulardii is a type of yeast that is actually a type of fungus. This yeast was once known as a specific type of yeast, but today it has been determined that it is actually a strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (or bread yeast). Saccharomyces boulardi is used as medicine.
  • Methods: The purpose of this study is to review the systematic review of past studies and current studies to investigate the anticancer effects of the probiotic Saccharomyces bularii. Articles related to the subject in EBSCOHost, Google Scholar, GetSite, ScienceDirect in English and research and review articles that To investigate the anticancer effects of Saccharomyces bularis, they were investigated and included in the study. In this review, we consider various preclinical and clinical aspects of biotherapy as basic drugs and biotherapeutic powers of their use in the treatment of some surgical enteropathies.
  • Results: Research results indicated that probiotics are live microbes that play an important role in protecting the host in many ways. Cancer is one of the most important causes of death worldwide. Although cancer treatment has received a lot of attention in recent years, probiotics alter the immune and cellular responses by strengthening the epithelial barrier and stimulating the production of anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anti-carcinogenic compounds, thereby reducing the cancer burden and growth.
  • Conclusion: reduce The current review focuses on the different mechanisms of the role of probiotics in the prevention and treatment of cancer, so detailed human clinical studies are needed to be able to use the information for treatment.
  • Keywords: Saccharomyces boulardi, probiotic, anticancer, treatment, clinical