E-Book 3rd Congress
- Life satisfaction and the release of oxytocin in the brain as a neurochemical hormone
Fatemeh moosavi,1,* Maryam bagheri fard,2
1. Issa Layali Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Faculty of Advanced Sciences and Technology, Tehran Medical Sciences branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2. Issa Layali Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Faculty of Advanced Sciences and Technology, Tehran Medical Sciences branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
- Introduction: The feelings of life satisfactions relies on many chemicals releasing inside the human body, but considering humans being social creatures, personal satisfaction and social satisfaction are intertwined, one cannot be provided without the other. And so, oxytocin is one of the most important hormones regarding general life-satisfaction as it plays an important role in positive emotions throughout day-to-day interactions, memory and memories related to building strong social relations. The feeling of self-satisfaction in life revolves around the production of hormones, The happiness hormones that the human body can produce by itself include: dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin and endorphins. Oxytocin, the main focus of the review, is the anxiolytic hormone, it is a neuropeptide synthesized primarily in the hypothalamus. Its receptors are distributed widely in the central nervous system, it has a neurobehavioral role, because it regulates a wild range of positive social behaviors. It works as social reinforcement and improves attention, orientation and memory towards, positive, social stimuli. It facilitates the identification and interpretation of social information conductive to social interactions. There is also an association between serotonin and oxytocin, oxytocin lowers the reactivity of the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis, reducing levels of stress hormones including adrenocorticotropic hormone and cortisol. Lower levels of oxytocin involve anxiety and a lower capacity to develop prosocial behavior. The sequence of 9 amino acids of oxytocin was identified in 1959 and it has been also artificially synthesized.
- Methods: This study was conducted by collecting the most recent research on happiness hormones, especially oxytocin and its effect on everyday human relationships. The information was gathered by searching keywords in valid scientific databases.
- Results: Oxytocin is an oligopeptide neurohypophysial hormone, it has been found in mammals. This hormone is naturally synthesized in the hypothalamus and stored and secreted in the posterior pituitary. It stood out, for the first time, duo to its special role in breastfeeding and delivery. Oxytocin consists of 9 amino acids with the sequence: cysteine-tyrosine-isoleucine-glutamine-asparagine-cysteine-proline-leucine-glycine, and a disulfide bridge is formed between two Cysteine residue. The hormone has a similar structure to other oligopeptides such as vasoprosin, they differ only in two amino acids. Oxytocin is in second chromosome position in mouse and twentieth in humans. Early precursor of oxytocin contains 3 exons and 2 introns and preprohormone has 3, the signal peptide part is oligopeptide (9) and neuriohysin. Oxytocin belongs to the family of G-coupled receptors, it is a protein that is linked to phospholipase C through Gap 11. Oxytocin is formed in the first phase in PVN nuclei hypothalamus and is then transferred to the pituitary gland. This neurotransmitter is significantly different from common neurotransmitters such as gammaaminobutyric acid, in the sense that neuropeptide transmitters like oxytocin has two direct effects through axonal release from PVN neurons as well as diffuse volume effects due to release of somatodendritic in a magnocellular neuron. The latter occurs uniquely through neuropeptides. Therefore, due to short-range diffusion in the extracellular fluid and fluid cerebrospinal fluid, these transporters have a wide range of showing effects. Oxytocin has clear and effective therapeutic effects in dealing with diseases such as autism and schizophrenia and shows positive clinical effects in reducing the main symptoms of these diseases. It also has a prominent role in the homoeostasis of body fluids as well as the regulation of heart rate and heart contraction.
- Conclusion: Nowadays, the actions and behavior of humans can be examined with a molecular point of view. Human's actions and their internal reactions are accompanied by new chemical reactions. Molecules play a major role in human actions and behavior. As such every person has molecular effects according to their actions and behavior. Molecular reactions resulting in sleep, happiness, fear, satisfaction, provide a person with relaxation. Therefore, it can be said that from one outlook, man is a chemical/biochemical reactant.
- Keywords: Oxytocin, life satisfaction, neurobehavioral, social relations